The Faith of One…

or just his own beliefs…

How Can I Know That I Am Saved?

Posted by onemansbeliefs on January 13, 2010

I remember right where I was when I gave my life to Jesus.

I was on my knees…

Next to my bed…

It was in the spring of 1996…

I don’t remember the day, the hour or the minute it took place.

I didn’t think this was a bad thing, until I started to hear others talk about their moment of conversion.  They told tales of fireworks (figurative), warm feelings, immediate deliverance from drugs (or any other thing that held them captive) and countless other things that made it a moment they would never forget.  After hearing all these wonderful stories I started to think that something was wrong with me.  Maybe I wasn’t born again.

Then I had a dream…  Not the MLK kind, but the I’m asleep and having a dream kind.

In the dream, I was sitting on a small stool.  The kind you would keep in a kitchen to help you reach the top shelves in the cabinets.  I sat there looking up at a man who was sitting at a table.  He was alone and I knew he was waiting for me to ask him a question.  I was aware this man was Jesus and I could only ask one question.  I was taking my time to make sure my one question would not be wasted.  Then it came to me and I asked…

How can I know that I am saved?

He lifted his hand and made a gesture of dismissal (but not) and an intense weight or pressure came upon me.  It knocked me off the stool to the floor.  The feeling I had was immense joy or happiness and it was far greater than any feeling I have ever had in my life.  Then I awoke.

As I was lying in bed thinking about the dream a still small voice said to me, “That’s how much I love you and that’s how you can know you are saved.”

This alone was enough to put me in a place to never question my salvation.  However, I serve a God that does exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.

The Mrs. & I were in New York City attending a student recital at the Juilliard School when God showed up and did a repeat performance.  I was in my seat enjoying the music and all the sudden a force just pushed me deeper into my seat.  Tears of joy and happiness began to flow and I could not stop them.   This experience lasted for about 3 minutes, but the memory has remained.

A number of years have passed and my walk with God has continued.  Each time I read his word I am reminded that He loves me.  I know this to be a fact, but sometimes I must make an effort to remember…

How much God loves me!!!

2 Responses to “How Can I Know That I Am Saved?”

  1. DThrasher said

    Beautiful. DThrash

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